Abecedarium Nordmannicum
- Money is the death of friends; The wolf lives in the woods.
- Miscast iron rusts; On snow the reindeer race.
- Thor ruins the woman. Fortune destroys the man.
- The river finds the shore As holster meets its sword.
- The horse will heal that rests. The snake’s sword was best.
- Children are plague’s meal; Death in person always pale.
- Hail is the coldest corn. In Christ the world was born.
- Force is greater than cost: The naked man discovers frost.
- A bridge we call wide ice; Here the blind are guided.
- Wealth is everyone’s dream. Giving was Frothi’s game.
- The sun declares its dome; Sky is God’s blue home.
- Strong is one-armed Tyr, Blacksmith of the years.
- Birch, the greenest stick; Loki, lucky in his tricks.
- Man is water and dirt. The hawk’s foot is great.
- Hills drop rivers cold; Rings throw gifts of gold.
- The greenest tree is yew. Hear it crackle in the flue.